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Thieves Rob Churches In Kumasi In Less Than Two weeks



Glorious Chapel Action church has been robbed in Atwima Twedie in the Atwima Kwanwoma District in the Ashanti Region with their instruments and other church gadgets taken.

In less than two weeks, thieves have broken into church buildings and looted a set of musical instruments used by church members at Atwima Agogo , also in the same District.

The church in question is the Glorious Action Chapel at Atwima Twedie.

According to the head pastor of the church,Rev Stephen Kwabena Agyei, the instrument bought on credit  valued between 450-500 thousand Ghana Cedis were stolen.

According to the pastor ,the police are yet to make any arrest in connection with both  incidents.

Following several reports of robbery in the churches,a section of the Christian public have started to pose the question that,”Are the angels no longer on guard at the churches as it used to be in some time past”?

He therefore revealed that,  anytime illegal mining activities known as” galamsey” are given hot chase in the country such an indecent behavior also goes up to disturb the economy.

In a related development, Rev Moses Kofi Tawiah, the Local Pastor at Assemblies of God Church at Atwima Agogo observed that, the situation is very unfortunate and disturbing.

He suggested to the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to re-consider placing ACP Kofi Boakye back to Ashanti region, explaining that if looking critically into his endeavors when appointed in the Ashanti Region,the people in Ashanti Region were able to live peacefully for the fear of being arrested for wrong doing.

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