General News Health

Foods To Avoid If You Wake Up More Than Once To Urinate At Night


When it comes to getting the most out of one’s sleep, many individuals assume that nighttime is optimal. It’s important to get a good night’s sleep every night to keep your health in check. Medical professionals state that the average person can sleep for six to eight hours straight without getting up to use the restroom.

However, achieving the recommended 6-8 hours of sleep nightly may be a herculean task for some, especially those who suffer from nocturia, a bladder illness in which a person awakens multiple times throughout the night to urinate. The need to get up and urinate in the middle of the night has the potential to drastically disrupt the sleep cycle, which can have detrimental implications on health and well-being.


other words, if you don’t suffer from nocturnal, you shouldn’t have to get up throughout the night to urinate. However, nocturnal would require you to get up, potentially more than twice for urine, which could disrupt your sleep. The Cleveland Clinic reports that nocturia is more common in people over the age of 60 and that it affects both sexes equally.

Nocturnal polyuria refers to the phenomenon wherein urine production is abnormally high during sleep but normal or low during wakefulness. Leg edoema, congestive heart failure, sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea, certain medications, an increased water intake, and a high-sodium diet could all play a role.

According to the ClevelandClinic, however, some people suffer from a condition known as nocturnal urinary frequency, which causes them to urinate either less frequently or more frequently than usual while asleep. The inability to completely empty the bladder, bladder obstruction, bladder overactivity, prostate enlargement, bladder infection, or inflammation can all contribute to this condition.

Overactive bladder symptoms, including nighttime urination, can be treated, and treatment often entails limiting activities, such as avoiding foods and substances known to increase these symptoms. Some meals may also contribute to this condition because they induce the bladder’s muscle tissue to contract involuntarily.

As a result, it is suggested that you limit your consumption of these items, particularly before night. Here are some instances of such foods that we’ll examine:

Foods containing tomatoes

If you have to get up several times through the night to urinate, the Cleveland Clinic recommends you cut back on acidic foods like tomatoes. Foods made with tomatoes, such as pasta, pizza sauce, and ketchup, are acidic and may cause you to urinate more frequently, even in the middle of the night. So, obviously, you should avoid them.

The Second Cup of Coffee or Tea

People with overactive bladder-induced nocturia are typically recommended to avoid coffee and tea because of the caffeine content. Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks may aggravate bladder problems by increasing urine frequency and urgency.

Citrus fruits (oranges, limes, and lemons)

Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes are all examples of citrus fruits, and they’re all highly prized because of the high vitamin C content and overall outstanding nutritional profile they offer. Avoid them, nevertheless, if you have trouble keeping your bladder in check during the night. Because of the strong acid content, they may cause you to wake up more frequently during the night to use the restroom.

Substances containing alcohol

Alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, and other liquors, might increase the symptoms of nocturia and nocturnal polyuria, thus those who experience them should avoid them. This is because they can create irritation to the bladder and prevent the brain from receiving signals that the bladder is already full. Intense nighttime urine could result from this disturbance of the impulses.

5. Peppery dishes

According to the Urology Care Foundation, people who suffer from nocturia should also avoid consuming spicy foods because they might irritate the bladder and lead to more frequent urination. Hot peppers and sauces have the same irritating effects on the eyes and the tongue as they do on the bladder, making it difficult to empty.

Sixthly, packaged and canned foods

Despite their delicious flavours and addictive potential, processed foods should be avoided by people who experience overactive bladder symptoms. They sometimes contain artificial ingredients like flavourings and preservatives, which can irritate the bladder and increase the symptoms of overactive bladder.

7th: Onions


It’s possible that eating raw onions, or any other particularly pungent or acidic food, could irritate your bladder and cause problems, such as a greater desire to urinate than usual, particularly throughout the night. The risk of irritation to the bladder is greatly reduced when onions are sautéed.

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