Business General News

GRA condemns, investigates assault of young man by suspected Customs officers



The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has condemned personnel of the Customs Division for assaulting a young man.

The Authority says the act was uncalled for and has thus reported the incident to the police.

According to the GRA, the appropriate sanctions will be meted out to the personnel involved should they be found guilty.

“The incident has also been reported to the Police Service and the Authority is collaborating with the Police to deal with the situation.

“The appropriate sanctions would be meted out to the persons found culpable of the assault,” GRA said in a press statement issued on Friday.

The revenue generating authority has also urged the citizenry to reports acts of such nature to the appropriate remedy.

“We however wish to condemn this unfortunate situation and to use this opportunity to entreat the general public to report acts or incidents of such nature to the Authority for quick redress,” the statement added.

In a video making rounds on social media, some persons in Customs uniforms with a Customs vehicle are seen brutally assaulting a young man by the roadside.

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