Business General News

Members at Kumasi city market cry over killer Utility bills



The members and occupants of the Kumasi City Market are crying over payment of exorbitant utility Bill at Kejetia at the mercy of management and selves imposed leadership at the market.
The members are making a passionate appealed to the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) and for that matter government to intervene to safe them from selves imposed leadership at the market.
Stephen Chebureh, aka Agya Aku the Public Relationship Officer (PRO) for the Kumasi City Market Members, explained that, the selves imposed leadership dubbed Concerned Pretty Traders Association are always in bed with the management of the market and taking exorbitant utility Bills from them but would not account to anybody with regard to the monthly payments of the huge and killer bills and taxes.
According to him, the cheating at Kejetia is getting toes on their activities but has nobody to speak on their behalf as if they are orphans at the market, hence anyone at all could come in or imposed themselves as leaders to connive with the management of the market to be taking any amount of monies from them as utility Bill enriching themselves at the expense of the vulnerable stores or shop owners.
He stated that, the occupants of the shops are not using dustbins and does not have water taps yet the selves imposed with the connivance of management are taking dustbins fees and water bills from them.
He alleged that, the previous number of cleaners at the market were about three hundred (300)but the number has currently reduced to one hundred and thirty-eight (138) yet the monthly payments has been increased while still paying fumigation fees every month meanwhile the exercise is no more in operation.
Mr. Chebureh, lamented that, the selves imposed leadership in connivance of the management billing them with killer electricity bills just because they have nobody to speak for them.
He disclosed that, the leadership with management are taking monies from the over two hundred (200) mobile money vendors monthly and would not account to anybody, the reason is said the selves imposed leadership ran to the Queen mother of Ashanti at Manhya to stopped them from electing their own leaders to run the welfare at the market.
He revealed that, about six thousand two hundred and seventy nine (6279) membership were agreed to registered for elections of their leadership but the selves imposed leadership ran to the Queen mother of Ashanti at the manhya palace accused them of trying to take the market from the Queen mother,which resulted the elections been called off to enable them get their way of continued looting them at the market.

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