Education General News

Nkawie Senior High Technical School Head Goes On Retirement On May 31St


Mr Francis Pata Yata, Headmaster of Nkawie Senior High Technical School in the Atwima Nwabiagya South Municipality is set to go on retirement on 31ST May,2023.

Management of the school is set to organize a gargantuan ceremony at the school premises to officially celebrate him for his hard work and sacrifice towards the development of the school.

According to organizers of the event,invitations would be extended to Honourable Members, Pastors, p
Parents and also NANA NOM to officially witness the Send -Off ceremony of their hardworking headmaster.

Authorities are hereby calling on all old students , parents and guardians to contact Madam cynthia Benefo Adjei on (0249265102) Assisted by Mr solomon Ohene Adu with contact number (0548890323/0206512716)for any further information towards the activities on May 31st.

Source: Citizen K Acquaye (staff Reporter,

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