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Immediate Past MMDCEs Under Nana Addo Cry  Over   Non Payment Of Salary Differentials 

Immediate Past MMDCEs Under Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo have Petitioned the Minister Of Justice and Attorney General
,NPP National Chairman and the General Secretary to as a matter of urgency see to the payment of their three year non payment of  Salary Differentials (Ex-Gratia).
In a statement copied to The Punch Newspaper it was indicated that the non payment of their three years salary differentials has rendered affected persons into abject poverty.
Read full Statement…..
It is with a heavy heart that I forward this petition to you for your kind intervention.
Sir, the immediate past MMDCEs have not yet been sorted out with their ex-gratia (salary differentials) even though other government appointees who served in the first term of this government had been sorted out.
 Our attempts to demand our payment have been met with lack of concern from the government.
 It appears the position of the government is that the MMDCES are not entitled to this.
This terribly upsets us given the fact that it is the same government that settled the former NDC MMDCEs in 2017.
 What has changed? If we are not entitled, how come that the former NDC MMDCEs were paid? Is it not the same legal position that informed the decision to pay them? If the position is that the  MMDCEs who served the NPP government led by President Nana Akufo Addo are not entitled, but the former NDC MMDCEs were entitled, then is this not application of two sets of law in the same matter? Article 250 must be interpreted within the intendment of Article 170 to put this matter to rest.
I do not want to believe that our party that immaculately upholds the rule of law will behave in this way.
What we are demanding is salary differentials which accrued from salary increases over the years that we served. Are we not entitled to salary increment when it comes to the application of the Labour Laws of the country?
It is a very worrying situation to subject your own party people who served our government to this demeaning, humiliating, depraved and debased treatment. With this treatment, how can you expect the former MMDCEs to give off their best to support the party? We are well over one hundred and thirty (130) MMDECs, some  were Parliamentary Candidates who gained a lot of votes for the party in 2020. Simply, they have support base in their respective constituencies.
Are we implying that as a party, determined to outlive the constitutional mandatory terms, we do not need the support of the former MMDCEs? Every vote matters in the crucial 2024 election. We are displaying serious naivety and feeding on the dangerous assumption that everything is a done deal because we have incumbent advantage. If anything at all, let us digest the 2024 election which must serve as a lesson to our leaders. Complacency will do a great damage to our electoral fortunes when we do not wake up from our slumbering posture.
It our considered position to proceed to court for the settlement of the matters around the salary differentials but we are exercising certain level of restraints because of the too much internal unpleasant noises and extreme bickering which are denting the image of the party. Simply, we do not want to expose the party to public ridicule for our opponents to take advantage.
However, our patience have now reached the threshold of forbearance; activated complex and we want to advance our issue to another level:- picketing and court for determination. It is important to note that frustration breeds aggressive action. Our leaders are pushing us too much into this undesirable action.
NPP must sit up. We have a crucial election ahead of us. Let us do things right and do the right thing.
The 2024 elcection matters to us. We need our salary differentials as a veritable source of motivation to push hard.
What is good for the gander is good for the goose. We are not selfish.
Leo-Nelson Adzidogah, the immediate past MCE for Akatsi South:
Cc. Chief of Staff,
Office of the President,
Jubilee House,
The Executive Secretary,
Office of the President,
Jubilee House,
The Minister of State,
Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development

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