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Ashanti Regional NDC Communication Bureau Showcases Mahama’s Gargantuan Projects In Ashanti Reg

Ashanti Regional NDC Communication Bureau yesterday officially announced to the media some legacies and life -impacting projects that former President John Dramani Mahama did for the people of Ashanti Region (Asanteman) in just four years of his administration. Headed by Abass Nurudeen, Ashanti Regional communication Director told the media yesterday about the need for Ghanaians to re-elect former president John Dramani Mahama to led the Country again. Touching on monumental developmental projects by the affable former president, Abass Nurudeen mentioned of the construction of Kejetia central market redevelopment project. He said, the Tafo,Atonsu and Asawase Markets alone is to provide the safe environment for 60,000 traders. Water projects: He said, former president John Dramani Mahama provided the Mampong water project, Konongo – kumawu – kwahu water project and also expanded the Barekese dam. Senior High Schools Former and the next president of the Republic, constructed the Parkoso SHS which now accommodate close to 4,000 Students. Adugyama SHS has about 3500 students, Adobewora SHS also constructed by John Dramani Mahama has about 3000 students, Agric Nzema SHS has 2000, Banka SHS has 1500 students and Asuoso SHS also has 1000 students. Cumulatively, the Mahama community day schools have provided spaces to accommodate 20,000 students only in the Ashanti Region. Hospitals 120 beds Kumawu district hospital which has now been abandoned the NPP government, 60-bed Tepa district hospital -abandoned, 120-fomena district hospital-abandoned, 60-bed konongo district hospital-abandoned,500-bed military hospital and 150 staff housing unit abandoned at Afari . “It is often said that to whom much is given, much is expected. We therefore wish to find out from President Akufo-Addo what he has got to show in the Ashanti Region, against the backdrop that he has borrowed GHS80 billion, collected GHS20 billion in taxes and received GHS120 billion in the form of revenue from our natural resources in the 3 years that he has been in government.”He questioned. Abass Nurudeen further revealed that, on the few road projects inspected by the President, contractors packed out of site immediately he left citing lack of funds and proper contractual agreement. ” If President Akufo-Addo and the NPP truly value the development of the Ashanti Region beyond relying on it as an electoral fortress, we would like to pose the following questions to President Akufo Addo; 1.Where are the sinohydro roads he promised the good people of kumasi? 2.Where is Ashanti’s share of the One district, one factory as we are yet to see even 1 new factory? 3.Where is the Suame interchange he promised? 4. Where is the $1 million per constituency? 5.Where is Ashanti’s share of the 350 SHS he promised to establish after 18 months in office? 6.where is Ashanti’s share of the Zongo Development Fund? 7.why has Arabic teachers under the Youth Employment Program not been paid for 17 months? 8.why did he not visit the Kejetia central market traders to have first-hand information on how the allocation process is going? 9.why did he not visit Obuasi to speak to issues of small-scale mining? We believe the President’s answer to these questions will further reinforce and expose his deceitfulness and the ingratitude of the NPP to the Ashanti Region. Indeed, President Akufo Addo whilst neglecting his party’s World Bank and feeding it with peanuts, has not forgotten about his own backyard which continues to receive the best of road network and other social amenities. It is certainly time for the World Bank to be appreciated with its fair share of the pie under the party that enjoys the lion’s share of its electoral support. If President Akufo-Addo ever dreams that our people will be moved by sweet-sounding rhetorics and empty promises again,then he must have a rethink. This is because in 2020, he will be judged solely based on his abysmal performance in government. We wish to call on the people of this great Region not to despair, but to persevere in demanding what is their due from a government they overwhelmingly placed their trust in 2016. Of course, we are aware of recent attempts to suppress legitimate public concerns over the stunted pace of development in the region under this sterile Akufo-Addo government. We in the NDC will continue to hold this government accountable for their promises to the people of the Ashanti Region, even as President Akufo�Addo remains on borrowed time to a humiliating defeat in 2020.”He concluded. Source /Ayisah Foster

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