
We have been neglected – Nkroful Chief, people complain



The Chief and people of Nkroful have criticized the government for neglecting them despite the town producing Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of Ghana.

Nana Kwasi Kutuah, the Chief of Nkroful, while emphasizing Dr. Nkrumah’s achievements on his birthday which is being celebrated as a national Memorial Day, told Citi News that the Nkrumah Museum at Nkroful, which is the first burial place on the return of his body to the country, has been neglected, just as the people are forgotten.

Meanwhile, the MP for Ellembelle, Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, who donated 10,000 to help renovation and celebration of the Nkrumah Memorial Day, while agreeing with the Chief, expressed his commitment to make Nkroful the centre of Dr. Nkrumah’s celebration in Ghana.

The Ebusuapanyin of Nkroful, Nana Sanzah Erzah, and a resident of Nkroful, while commending the MP for his leadership role in upholding the place of Dr. Nkrumah in Ghana’s history, also spoke to CITI News on the neglect of Nkroful.

What the Ellembelle MP has done for us today is overwhelming even though he has been doing this over the years. I stand on behalf of the planning commission and the Chief of Nkroful to thank him and we promise to utilize the 10,000 he donated to renovate the Museum. Every year the MP paints here.”

“We remember Dr. Kwame Nkrumah…even though I didn’t see him, I have heard his good deeds. We are, however, pained for how we have been neglected. Our youth have all left Nkroful because there is no opposition here, so we will appreciate it if the government will create jobs for us. We have been crying for help over the years but nothing comes out of it.”

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