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Ghanaian – Italian origin fights National Security operatives over stolen land at East Legon.. Petitions Ministry of Defence 



A Ghanaian contractor of Italian origin has issued a passionate appeal to the Ministry of Defence and the government over activities of persons claiming to be operatives of National Security.
These persons, using official government tag, have allegedly taken over a parcel of land belong to the contractor at East Legon.
According to him, he bought the land in 2008 from a Dr. Victoria Bafi Yeboah who has been in passion of the land since 1978.
In a petition copied to Chief of Defence Staff, Chief of Army Staff, General Officer Commanding, Southern Command and the Italian Embassy, he decried the impunity with which these land guards are forcefully taking over the land and the properties on it.
The contractor, Stefano Ramella Pezza, indicated that in December 2019 one Ibrahim Jajah and Charles Opoku Darko, claiming to be National Security operatives laid claim on the land.
According to him, he produced documentation of the property and yet they have refused to vacate and claiming they have a court judgment in their favour.
He said, “As a matter of fact, my checks indicate that they have no such judgment. Neither have they ever taken me to court to get judgment over my land.”
“As I understand judgment in this country is enforced by court processes and court officials.”
“In this case it is heavily armed vigilantes who with the use of extreme and unimaginable violence have taken over my land.”
“I took the issue to court and an injunction was subsequently placed on the land in dispute yet Ibrahim and Charles have defied the court injunction and are building on the land.”
Stefano Ramella indicated that during the COVID ‘19’ pandemic lockdown period, Ibrahim Jajah and his cohorts blatantly disregarded the President’s directive and continued to construct each day of the lockdown period.
He stated that his belongings on the land namely Tipper trucks and concrete road blocks were taken outside the fenced land and abandoned on the fringes of the road.
According to him, some of the items were also stolen as two steel containers as well as the contents that were on the land have disappeared.
He disclosed that he reported the matter to the East Legon Police Station but no action has been taken as yet.
“In my opinion, the police officers have deliberately turned a blind eye on vigilantism in the highest form. It is strange that this is coining after the passing of the law on vigilantism.”
“The mufti wearing armed guards are on the property each day and night providing security for Charles Opoku Darko and Ibrahim Jajah to speedily develop the land unlawfully,” he added.
Mr. Stefano Ramella lamented the lawlessness being displayed which he said is the first in the 43 years he settled in Ghana while state apparatus turn a blind eye on the illegality right under their noses.
“As at now, these lawless people are threatening to pull down my house on my land which provides accommodation for my workers and their families. I have never felt this level of insecurity in Ghana,” he added.
According to him, no one has ever challenged him on ownership since he acquired the land until 2019 when Charles Opoku Darko, using thugs styled as National Security Operatives came on it.
“These thugs brag about their so-called connection with people in the highest level of government. It is hard to believe them except that the inaction of the official security over such blatant use of force and violence in broad day light leaves me with no doubt that in fact there are some faceless criminals using the name of government to commit such heinous crimes.”
“What is strange is the fact that these thugs have a backup of tens of vigilante groups and at times V8 vehicles with official number plates and sirens coming to provide security for the thugs,” he stated.
He appealed to the Ministry and the allied agencies to investigate the issue because it has a tendency to put the government image in a very bad light before expatriates and foreign investors.
“Sir I know the government of Ghana is opened to business and committed to supporting foreign businesses and interest thus my pleas to your offices to assist me get justice as Ibrahim and Charles and some persons who claim to be National Security operatives are putting government name into disrepute.”
“Attached are documents covering my land including pictures of land guards currently on my property.”
“I have also attached copies of the court injunction and petitions sent to the Director General of CID at the police headquarters,” he added.

2 Replies to “Ghanaian – Italian origin fights National Security operatives over stolen land at East Legon.. Petitions Ministry of Defence 

  1. It is rather unfortunate how the supremacy of the law has been undermined.We claim to live in a country where all powers are subject to that of the 1992 constitution,yet we easily trash this in exchange for favours.Upon reading this,it is rather unfortunate.where lies our justice?we should not confuse the principles of democracy and freedom with that of justice.Dont know the appellant but I believe justice must not suffer a miscourage

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