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Binduri district gets new police station



The district chief executive (DCE) for Binduri, Hon. Yakubu Ayinga Abagre, together with the Npp Parliamentary candidate for Binduri, Hon. Abdulai Abanga handed over newly constructed police station to the Bawku Divisional police commander, CSP Yao Tettehga yesterday.

The police station comes with three offices, a charge office, male and female cells, and washrooms.

The project was financed from the assembly’s share of the District Performance Assessment Tool (DPAT).

Speaking at a short ceremony to officially handover the structure to the police Administration, Hon. Yakubu, thanked the contractor for quality work done and also commended them for completing the project before the stipulated time.

The DCE said, as part of measures to maintain law and order and provide adequate security for the good people of Binduri it had become necessary for the District to have it’s own police station and police personnel, than always relying on “borrowed” police personnel from Bawku District police command.

Hon. Ayinga, also thanked the Chiefs and the people of Avondago for the support they provided to the contractor.

After receiving the keys to the building, CSP, Yao Tettehga, expressed satisfaction and thanked the DCE for putting up such a beautiful edifice for the police administration in Binduri.

He promised the police will continue to fight crime in Binduri and do everything possible to ensure that law abiding citizens live in peace.

CSP, Yao Tettehga also used the opportunity to appeal to the goverment for a vehicle and accommodation for personnel to enhance their operations.

Speaking on behalf of the Binduri Naba, Mr. Akolbilla Yakubu expressed joy and thanked the Nana Addo government for the police station. He said, he recalled after the sod-cutting for the commencement of the project some months ago, many doubted the project will see the light of day but he is happy today because the naysayers have been proved wrong.

He also assured the police commander of his total support to help fight crime and maintain law and order in the Binduri District.

The DCE Commissioned a Borehole he drilled for the people of Bazua Newtown earlier today. The community has been in existence for decades without a Borehole . This has brought total relief to the community members as you can see a cross section of them smiling.

This Water facility was constructed from Covid 19 funds and it has been drilled to provide water for drinking and handwashing to fight the desease.

There’s also an ongoing mechanisation of another Borehole at Atuba Market and it will be Commission next week. This will also increase our Water coverage in the Binduri District Assembly

Also in attendance at the ceremony were
Kaadi Chief, Naba Anobilla Azimbe, Boko Chief, Naba Alhaji Adams, Npp Chairman, Hon. Ayaago Samuel, Some opinion leaders, Staff of Binduri Assembly, Personnel of the Ghana police service, Npp Executives and residents of the Avondago and neighbouring communities.

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