Business General News

MTN Group CEO Reiterates MTN’S Commitment To Help Grow Telecommunications Industry In Ghana

MTN Group CEO and President Ralph Mupita has paid a day’s working visit to Ghana to engage some key stakeholders of the business and reiterate MTN’s commitment to help grow the telecommunications industry in Ghana.
The Group CEO and his team of executives paid courtesy calls on the Bank of Ghana, Ghana Revenue Authority, Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Communications and Digitalization to interact and discuss issues of mutual interest.
During the visit to the Bank of Ghana Mr. Mupita expressed his appreciation to the Central Bank for the support given to the business over the years. In his remarks the Governor of The Bank Dr. Ernest Addison congratulated MTN for the work done in the mobile financial services sector and indicated the BOG will count on the business to champion innovation and Financial Inclusion. Dr Addison was joined by the 2nd Deputy Governor Mrs Elsie Addo Awadzi.
Ralph Mupita and his delegation then called on the Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority Rev. Amishaddai Owusu-Amoah and his deputies where he commended Ghana for encouraging headline growth last year.
 In his engagements with the Ministry for Finance and the Ministry of Communications and digitalization, Ralph reiterated MTN Group’s commitment to the Ghana market and the company’s continuous support to the Government of Ghana in achieving its digital agenda.
 This is the third visit of the Group CEO to Ghana since he assumed office.  The Group CEO is being accompanied by the Vice President for WECA Ebenezer Asante, CEO of MTN Ghana Selorm Adadevoh, CEO of Mobile Money Ltd Eli Hini, Chief Corporate Services Officer Sam Koranteng and Chief Finance Officer Antoinette Kwofie.
The visit to Ghana is part of Ralph’s commitment to growing MTN’s business in the various markets by consistently engaging local authorities to understand their expectations and to foster cordial working relationship. Ralph’s next stop is Nigeria where he will also engage key stakeholders.
Samuel Koranteng
Corporate Services Executive
Tel: 024 4300 000
Georgina Asare Fiagbenu
Corporate Communications Senior Manager
Tel: 0244304545
About MTN Ghana
MTN Ghana is the market leader in the increasingly competitive mobile telecommunications industry in Ghana, offering subscribers a range of exciting options under Pay Monthly and Pay As You Go Services and Mobile Financial Services. The company has committed itself to delivering reliable and innovative services that provide value for subscribers in Ghana’s telecommunications market. Since its entry into Ghana in 2006, MTN has continuously invested in expanding and modernizing its network in order to offer superior services to a broad expanse of the nation.
Source: Foster

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