General News Politics

We’ll ensure discipline at Manhyia South -Chairman Tomtom 



Newly elected constituency chairman for Manhyia South in the Ashanti Region, Richard Adjei Mensah Ofori -Atta, widely known as ‘Tomtom’ has stated emphatically that, Manhyia South NPP will discipline recalcitrant members within the Constituency.
According to him,in the course of   the Constituency elections preparation, they got to know that the Constituency lacks discipline.
He revealed that,now that   the election is over, discipline will be their Hallmark.
 “Anyone who still disrespects the authorities in the constituency will be brought before the disciplinary committee for actions to be taken against him or her.
We will bring indiscipline members to book to ensure discipline in the Constituency.”He said in his victory speech today at the Dunwell Methodist Church at Dichemso in Kumasi,the Ashanti Regional Capital.
“Tomtom” further indicated that,the general campaign about 2024 elections  starts today and NPP Manhyia South  will go to everyone’s house, walk through their windows,talk to them in a peaceful manner to ensure that their campaign message gets to them for a massive win in election 2024.
‘Our 2024 campaign message must yield results .We need to work hard to win more parliamentary seats so that we don’t face the problem that we had in the 2020 general elections.’He recounted.
Commending Napo.
‘Everyone knows our MP,Dr.Mathew Opoku Prempeh has done well and is doing well as well.
From his position as the MP for Manhyia South Constituency to the Education Ministry and now the minister in charge of Energy.We all know his track record and you can’t take it from him that  he is the best minister so far in Ghana.
Napo’s vision is my vision,and let me send this warning to those of you who are planning to make him(Napo) unpopular in the Constituency that we will not sit down for you to achieve your goal.
We have men at Manhyia South so anyone who is planning evil should be careful because we have the men.’He cautioned.
I’m ready to work with my colleague who was disqualified because of one or two reasons.
I will bring all onboard for victory come election 2024 , especially all those who contested for various positions but lost.He assured.
Again,I will use my good office to recognize the aged who have contributed immensely to the development of NPP- Manhyia South.
This according to him will also give the youth in the party a die-hard spirit to work wholeheartedly for the progress of the party.
Also,I will provide all available materials needed for campaign as the Constituency chairman.
I will be chairman for all and I’m ready to provide your needs.I will not wait till our MP comes when the party is in need of something.
Tomtom, however promised to assist anyone in the Constituency to be recruited into the police, army or any government institution only if the chance is  available,even to the extend of traveling abroad.
The message will be conveyed down to the electoral area so that those who qualified are recruited.
Tomtom, ended his victory speech by preaching peace and togetherness after the election.
Other Constituency Executives who were elected to help move Manhyia South NPP forward included ;Madam Mary Coker, Women’s Organizer,Haruna Alhassan -Secretary , Henry Adu Kobi ,Youth  Organizer, Kingsley Kyeretwie Bonsu-2ND vice.
Source: Foster

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