General News Politics

‘Don’t be remote-controlled by NPP’-Gyataba to IGP

Founder and leader of the Great United Front Party,Dr.Nana Agyenim Boating,has advised the Inspector  General of Police (IGP),Dr.Akuffo Dampare not to be remote- controlled by the ruling New Patriotic Party.
His advise  comes in relation to comment made by the IGP in response to the British High Commissioner’s Tweet about Barker-Varmawor, FixTheCountry convenor.
In a statement copied to this afternoon,the 2016 Flagbearer of the opposition  United Front Party maintained that, members of the aforementioned  party have   officially register their  displeasure about  the response made by the Inspector General of Police ,in the person of ,Dr.George Akuffo Dampare to the British High Commissioner’s Tweet about Barker-Vormawor,FixTheCountry convenor because they think the IGP has been remote controlled by Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo’s government.
He said,as a formidable political party, they are  aware of a letter from Ghana’s Inspector-General of Police, Dr. George Akuffo Dampare addressed to the British High Commissioner, H.E. Harriet Thompson which has now been widely published across the globe.
According to him,they want to say on record that the bilateral relationship between Ghana and the UK cannot be underestimated so the shouldn’t be  a remote controlled IGP in dealing with issues regarding to that effect.
“Looking at the number of Ghanaians who are currently benefiting from the Great Britain, it will be much disturbing for our IGP to hide behind the ruling New Patriotic Party and do things that will thwart the development of the entire nation.
As a leader of the United Front Party,I  know very well that the NPP has lost credibility and most of the diplomatic corps don’t take them serious so if you are an IGP and you respond to such issues it may be considered as a form of intimidation to silence the diplomatic corps in the Country.
The United Front Party is  strongly opposing the comment by the IGP and advise him to take a second look at his comment.”He stressed.

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