General News Health

From corona virus to Monkeypox, how to protect yourself against this new virus



After several years of battling corona virus, another virus has popped up called Monkey. In this article, I will be sharing with you how you can protect yourself from getting infected.

Unfortunately, about five cases has been recorded already in Ghana. The Monkeypox is a disease that occurs in both humans and animals. From the cases confirmed worldwide, it is mostly spread through sex and coming into contact with affected persons.

Some of the symptoms are rush that forms blisters and crusts over, fever, as well as swollen lymph nodes.

How to protect your yourself against the diseases.

To protect yourself from getting infected ;


You should avoid getting into contact with people who are already diagnosed with the virus or those who are infected.

2. You can also wear a face mask if you are close to someone who has symptoms.

3. You should as well practice personal hygiene such as washing your hands with soap and water as well as using the alcohol based sanitizers.


You got to also use condoms and keep an eye out for symptoms if you have recently changed sexual partners.

Stay safe.


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