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Ashanti regional Zongo Caucus wishes all EID Mubarak



The Ashanti Regional Zongo caucus, under the auspices of Hon. Ismaila Futa, wishes all our Muslim ummah, Eid Mubarak.

We know this Ramadan has been tough for all Muslim ummah. Relatives have not been able to see each other ; people unable to break fast TOGETHER, tallkess of going to mosque for prayers. Yet, we have witnessed incredible resilience. Muslim zongo prone areas, and charities coming together to deliver Iftar meals to our vulnerable people, Frontline health workers and the ordinary Ghanaian.

Muslims providing to foodbanks to help the vulnerable and significant donations to many charitable causes. Almost all the Muslim sects, such as, Ahlisunnah Waljamaha, Tijaniyya, Shiates, Ahmaaddiyya, have donated to their Muslim ummah.

We know Eid is one of those joyous occasions where communities all come together to celebrate. Still, as ever, our number one priority remains to keep all our loved ones and communities safe. As the stark figures show, covid-19 has disproportionately affected communities, and we will work together to address these issues of health inequality and social injustices.

We pray Allah bless all our Muslim folks and provide them with good health and mercies.
May this Eid be the occasion, that will see the triumphant entry of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama into the flagstaff house.

Eid Mubarak to you all
Long live Ghana
Long live NDC
Long live zongo caucus

…… Signed…..
Tijani Abdul-Mumin(Sir TJ )
(Ashanti Regional Deputy communication officer for zongo Caucus)

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