Business General News

Cement Bag Increased By GHS 32.00, Petrol By GHS 38.00 Under Nana Addo,Fertilizer And Flour Price Will Shock You


In as much as the whole country laments on the high increase of goods and services in the country, let’s take critical look at the commodity price increase since 2016 to 2022.

Information available to has it that , there has been over 200% increase in somme important commodities under the Akufo-Addo – Bawumia led NPP administration.

Commodity 2016 (GHS) 2022 (GHS) Difference (GHS)
Cement 28.00 60.00 32.00
Weedicides 6.00 60.00 54.00
Petrol per Gallon 14.00 52.00 38.00
Diesel per Gallon 14.50 55.0 40.50
Iron Sheet “5 star” 180.00 680. 00 500.00
Floor Tiles (60*60) 55.00 120.00 65.00
Bag of Rice (50KG) 150.00 370.00 218.00
Bag of Sugar 170.00 410.00 240.00
Cooking Oil per Gallon 90.00 220.00 130.00
Flour 100.00 440.00 340.00
Fertilizer 75.00 420.00 345.00

The above table was drawn from the information gathered from activegh as shown in the picture below.


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