General News Politics

‘Chairman Wontumi is a fraudly’-Abilele says as he battles him with English.



“Wontumi is a fraudly,this time we are changing him because he has fraudly us.
Yes,we now realizing that ,err he has been sheeting us so we don’t want him again.
Yerr, that’s why we are bringing chairman Odeneho this time.
Wontumi is a fraudly,he has ,oh !,a lot of things ,you see , when you go to national and you nor you are going to find something,they will tell you that we have given it to your regional chairman so go to him.
You see,and when you come to him also he will tell you that they haven’t given him anything but we have investigated and now we know that all that we heard is true.
Wontumi used our name ,you nor to collect something from national but he will never give to us .
Some of the examples,the this thing,err,the used cars ,you nor the washing cars,even I haven’t received one but if you go to national ,the was my name there that my chairman have come to collect car and he gave one to me.My name is there but meanwhile he hasn’t give me any car .
Yes I asked him but what he tell you that is not true but meanwhile is true.
And the  was alot of contract that they have given to him and that they have told him to give some to we the communicators but he didn’t give it to us.
And he also promised us that he will buy us a this thing,a bus, err, for that bus to work for us and where’s the bus.
He’s a promise and failure chairman”Abilele, serial caller and a communicator on the ticket of the ruling New Patriotic Party, Ashanti Region said in a viral video today at the Ashanti Regional coordinating Council in an interview with the press.
Source: Ayisah Foster,

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