
Charles Bissue Clears Air Over Deliberate Misinformation By OSP In Respect Of Legal Action Taken Against Him



‘Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have commented on a matter pending the court but for Sammy Darko’s grand misinformation on legal actions I’ve taken against the Office of the Special Prosecutor, I am urged to reconsider.

The Director of Strategy, Research and Communication at the OSP, Sammy Darko stated on Okay FM’s ‘Ade Akye Abia’ Show on Monday 10 July 2023, that I (Charles Cromwell Nanabanyin Onuawonto Bissue) had withdrawn all applications filed at the court in respect of the cases being investigated or investigated by the OSP. His emphasis was on the “Galamsey Fraud Part 1” documentary by Anas Aremeyaw Anas, and the ongoing investigation into the defunct Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM).

I deem this to be a calculated agenda by Sammy Darko and the OSP, to mislead Ghanaians and other interested persons or actors in this matter. It is clearly a case of distortion of facts, unless Sammy Darko is not seized with the facts of processes filed by my lawyers at the court, and I may pardon him for that.’He indicated in a statement copied to broadcastergh.com

Now the facts.

Indeed, some applications including the initial writ seeking to restrain the OSP from investigating and prosecuting me over allegations contained in the Galamsey Fraud Part 1 documentary have been withdrawn. Again, after attending to the OSP for questioning in respect of the ongoing investigation into the IMCIM work, I caused my lawyers to withdraw a motion filed to quash the arrest warrant and further restrain the OSP from securing an arrest until a determination of the substantive matter.

I wish to put on record that not all the applications have been withdrawn. Two applications are currently pending;
1. Application for an order of Judicial Review filed on 2 June 2023, which is seeking among other reliefs;
a. A declaration for the inclusion of Anas Aremeyaw Anas and Tiger Eye P.I into the said investigation by the OSP; the failure of which such an investigation must be construed unlawful.
b. An order prohibiting the OSP from investigating and/or prosecuting me [Charles Bissue] to the exclusion of Anas Aremeyaw Anas and Tiger Eye P.I.

2. Application for the enforcement of fundamental human rights, filed on 14 June 2023. This application arises from the persistent harassment meted out at me by the OSP. It is among other reliefs praying the court prohibits the OSP [until a determination of the substantive matter] from applying for Arrest Warrants and hounding me [Charles Bissue] in the name of investigations.
Copies of these applications are attached.

“Ialso wish to correct Sammy Darko’s assertion that I filed an application just when the OSP had issued notices of having concluded the investigation into the Galsmey Fraud Part 1 documentary. My first application dated 23 December 2022 came days earlier before the publication of the OSP’s Half Yearly Report [on 31 December 2022] on the subject matter. This is public knowledge and any such attempt of slandering my reputation must not be entertained.

I, therefore, entreat Sammy Darko to correct this misinformation as soon as possible. I take cognizance of processes being pursued at the court in respect of these matters, and as such will exercise restraint in the face of provocation to react. May the laws of Ghana prevail in this matter. “It Concluded.


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