Business General News

Collaborate with District Assemblies to halt cable theft,fibre cuts —–Asokwa MCE to MTN CEO



The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Asokwa, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah has asked telecommunications giant, MTN GHANA to collaborate with the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to help in their fight against cable theft and fibre cuts.

Welcoming the CEO of MTN Ghana Selorm Adadevoh to his office, Chief Akwannuasah noted that he was aware that the work of these unscrupulous people was costing the company huge sums in repairing them.

However, he noted that MTN could get some support in tracking and tracing these unpatriotic citizens if they could work with the respective authorities at the district Assemblies.

The Assemblies, the MCE stressed has the entire mapping of the roads and all others in every district, Municipality or Metropolis and can liase with MTN to carry out repair works when they are needed rather than the company doing so on their own.

“I am fully aware of the difficulties you may be going through dealing with this challenge of cable theft and fibre cuts but for me and the ordinary customer all we want is quality service and I believe we must work towards that since the Assembly stands ready to support MTN in achieving seamless services”, the MCE stated.

Assembly member for Ahinsan Estate Electoral Area, Nana Yaw Wiredu also asked MTN to involve opinion leaders whenever they are undertaking special projects or outdoor sensitization drives.

This, he noted would enable the leaders to mobilise the people for MTN and also become aware of what the company may be communicating to the public.

In the matter of cable theft, the Assembly member said it is difficult to see persons who are not workers of MTN when such persons come around the company’s cell sites.

He proposed that the company liase with especially Assembly members and unit Committee members so that they could help to monitor activities of these unscrupulous people and get them arrested.

Mr Selorm Adadevoh,  CEO of MTN welcomed the suggestions from the MCE and noted that his officers would follow up on same with the authorities at the Assembly to deal with cable theft and fibre cuts.

He also expressed appreciation for the warm reception the Asokwa Municipal Assembly had accorded him and the company.

Mr Adadevoh promised to build on the relationship with the Assembly so that both the company and the Assembly could benefit from same.

He also promised to support departments of the Assembly whose actions and line of operations fall in sync with MTN in the area of Education, Health and Social Empowerment.

“I am very happy meeting with you at this Assembly and I am hopeful that today would mark a fruitful relationship where both MTN and the Assembly could build on and mutually benefit from same”, Mr Adadevoh intimated.

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