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Suspend All Legal Proceedings Against NAM1 Until Customers Are Fully Paid-Government Told

  Considering the revelations made by Nana Appiah Mensah, C.E.O of defunct Menzgold at today’s press conference, it is important that the Economic and Organised Crime Unit comes out and respond to a number of questions. 1.Did Nana Appiah Mensah actually check in with EOCO and informed them before embarking his trip abroad? 2.If the answer to the above is true, Then why were Ghanaians told Nana Appiah Mensah had jumped bail? 3.Why did EOCO and the Ghana Police Service put an interpol alert on someone who had actually checked in with them before travelling?Did EOCO therefore put an interpol alert on someone whose whereabout was actually known to them the whole time? And finally, why was EOCO silent about this the whole time?For the continuous public trust in the security and investigative agencies, it is important that EOCO comes out clear on the issues above. Finally, considering the continuous freeze on Nana Appiah Mensah’s account and the interpol alert on him, it is important that government suspends all legal proceedings against him, and provide him with the necessary support to access whatever resources he has outside the Country to be able to pay his customers. Considering the fact that a criminal trial can span up to a period of 5years or more, we believe that Government must focus more on the customers, by demanding a payment schedule  from NAM1 and put in measures to guide him to meet such repayment proposals. Menzgold customers cannot wait for a period of 5years or more until government has finished with its criminal prosecution before customers can get their money. What then happens if after the trial NAM1 is found guilty and convicted by the Court?How would Customers receive their money?There are also enough proof and precedents that seriously suggests that auctioning assets of defunct companies to settle customers has not been quite feasible here in Ghana and therefore we advise Government to take a cue from the DKM saga which eventually the State’s resources had to be expended to support such repayment of customers.  If NAM1 is ready and willing to pay his customers all their monies without any liability to the State, then Government must provide him all the support he needs to be able to do that. In the coming days we will be petitioning the Chief Justice on behalf of the customers of Menzgold to suspend the legal trial against NAM1. Signed:Mensah Thompson Executive Director,ASEPA 0243019131/ 0542120628Source /Ayisah Foster  

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