
Why you should never use your phone on the toilet and it’s pretty horrendous



Lot of people take their phones to the loo to pass the time, but a doctor revealed it could be a big mistake if you do.

For years, people joked about making little libraries in their loos to ensure there’s something on hand to pass the time when needed.

But, nowadays, lots of Brits take their phones to the toilet when they need to do their business. You may be about to stop, as a doctor warned it’s not good for your health.

JDr Joseph Salhab, said prolonged sitting and straining can increase the chances of something very painful developing. His explainer will make you think twice before scrolling in the bathroom again.

In the clip, he said: “Straining and prolonged sitting when you’re trying to use the restroom puts you at risk for developing hemorrhoids, which can be painful and bleed.”

Luckily, he said there are things we can do to try and avoid this, as well as leaving your phone somewhere safe when you visit the loo.

To begin, he said increasing the amount of fibre in your diet can help, as certain fruits work to “stimulate bowel movements”. This includes things like kiwis, apples and pears.

Drinking plenty of water is also super important, and every little helps when it comes to ensuring you can go to the loo regularly. He also emphasised it’s important to find a toilet when you do feel like you need to go.

Holding it in, or trying to avoid it, will only cause problems, so this is best avoided at all costs.

Dr. Joseph added: “Definitely try to limit your phone use when you’re using the bathroom to avoid prolonged sitting. Finally, you can use a stepping stool like this, because when you raise your feet it allows easier passage of stool, which is really beneficial.”

The video has since been viewed over 200,000 times, and people can’t get over how bad it can be to scroll and pee at once. It’s left thousands totally mind-blown.

One person said: “Me watching this while on the toilet.” Another added: “I had the surgery – it was horrible.”

A third wrote: “Yes. Love the good poo position. Knees above hip level – we see it help so many.”

Meanwhile, a fourth also commented: “I stopped doing it purely because I wanted to lessen my attachment to my phone, and now I’m a lot better.”

Some people said they weren’t willing to ditch their phones though, claiming it “helps them” when they need to go to the loo. It seems as though certain people just can’t part with their gadgets.

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