General News Politics

CSOs To Demonstrate Against PDS On 22nd August



The Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability-ASEPA in conjuction with several Civil Society Organisations by this release announce to the General Public and the Media of an upcoming civil demonstration aimed at putting public pressure on Government to abrogate the ECG-PDS concession agreement with immidiate effect and to transfer all assets, technical and financial operations back to ECG.

The demonstration will also seek to demand for the immidiate composition of an independent Commission of Enquiry whose membership should include CSO’s and whose terms of reference will be to conduct comprehensive enquiry into the PDS scandal and the people found culpable or complicit be arraigned before Court for subsequent prosecutions.

The demonstration will also call for the immidiate step aside of the following officials…

The Finance Minister
The Energy Minister
The Chairman of MiDA
The Chairman of ECG Board
The Managing Director of ECG and
The Attorney General
For before investigations commences.

Proposed Date for the demonstration is Thursday 22nd August, 2019 barring any circumstantial changes and the General Public and all well meaning CSO’s are hereby invited to participate in this public interest action. Foster 

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