General News Politics

Dr Bawumia Allergic to Lies and Propaganda-Sekyere Kumawu DCE

The District Chief Executive for Sekyere Kumawu in the Ashanti Region,Hon.Samuel Addai Agyekum has said that,Alhaji Dr.Mahamudu Bawumiah,vice President of the Republic is hypersensitive to lies and propaganda.
According to him,after weeks of the vice President’s speech on the state of the economy,  economic pandits have collaborated the data used to explain where we were, where we are and where we are going so far as the management of the economy is concerned.
He said, It is important to note that, the Messenger is as good as the message for the delivery has given hope and that the economic situation is not man made mismanagement but rather Covid -19 and other external shocks such as the  Ukraine – Russia conflict and its associated Socio – economic dislocation.
Mr.Agyekum further indicated,criticism is welcomed to shape social and economic discourse in every tolerant society but when one  looses  the arguments and and begin to resort to insult, lies name calling and vile propaganda then it means one has nothing to say.
“Let’s keep faith in the NPP government and its economic management team for they will turn things around to make life better as it was. This global economic storm shall pass under the leadership of Nana – Bawumia government.”He deduced.

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