General News Politics

Former TEIN KNUST President Justifies Why Big Aidoo Must Be Retained As NDC W/N Regional Chairman

Unequivocally, education and philanthropy coupled with humanitarianism is an indelible trait of every visionary prolific figure and ultimately, Mr. Michael Aidoo is a figure embedded in all these qualities.
Mr. Michael Aidoo, a beacon at unprecedented goodwill has strived tremendously to better the lives of his subjects and people.
The current NDC Western North Regional Chairman has extremely forged a formidable political exuberance and that notwithstanding has greatly impacted the youth and juveniles through education, due to his scholarly vision of which he is the founder of the renowned KAAF University College.
To be candid, through his educational outreach and endeavours he has successfully moulded a modernized scholarly approach for Western North youth irrespective of the individual background politically, as it is his core belief that one must not be deprived of access to a better education just due to his political affiliation being on NPP or NDC. Additionally, he is on the vision to broaden his academic philanthropy nationwide so that other students can benefit from his goodwill. To buttress this fact, he has recently awarded a tremendous scholarship package to 80 tertiary students in the Western North Region so as to assuage their financial woes and consequently forge a solid academic pathway for them. In his own words, an ultimate motive for this gesture is to strongly support brilliant but financially deprived tertiary students so as to further enable them excel in their academics. Interestingly, all the 80 students were chosen not based on their political affiliation or ethnicity but on their academic prowess.
Although, there is a Free Senior High School policy, however this does not transcend into the tertiary education and he believes upon this the Western North Region is on course to producing and facilitating adequate human resources for her development.
Moreover, Mr. Aidoo has incredibly offered opportunities to numerous students in the region through free tuition tertiary education in his university and other public ones.
More to this, immeasurable youth has benefited from his philanthropical outreach as he has purposely equipped some with life changing opportunities and economic uplift.
Undeniably, the Western North Region is significantly endowed with global market appreciable commodities including cocoa, timber, palm oil and bauxite just to mention a few. Mr. Aidoo is on the visionary path to capitalise on all these so as to create sustainable opportunities for the natives and indigenous people.
Consequently, this will create an avenue for industrialisation and effective commerce to take place in the region as the people will be opportune to operate their personal businesses and industries.
Dr. Michael Aidoo, a prolific personality who has remarkably chalked numerous human upliftment accolades through his unprecedented educational initiatives and humanitarianism is still ambitious to significantly render a continuous facelift to the region and natives if successfully retained.

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