General News Health

GPAA mounts pressure on GMA President to resign for describing them as disappointed Chameleons


Emmanuel Yaw Appian, President of Ghana Physician Assistants Association (GPAA) has descend heavily on the Dr. Frank Serebour, president of Ghana Medical Association (GMA)to resign from his post as the president of GMA for describing the GPA as disappointed chameleons and others assist in slumber to bring peaceful coexistence among health professionals and the labour front.

He noted that,such actor feeling superior does not make one cadre army bedbug rather an attempt at destroying the already existing friendly health ecosystem’s.

In a press released signed by Mr Yaw Appiah, Dr Serebour should gracefully resign his position as the president of GMA’s in eye soiled the name of his association with his statement, says
his continuous existence as GMA President shall be dangerous to the country’s health professionals ecosystem.

He urged the GMA to make sure the collaborative effort they have all envisage and as to realise
among the health professionals comes to light genuine tangy is denote is book

He stated that, Dr Serebour should voluntarily withdraw his services frigid his mindset
As henceforth,they shall be reading deeper meaning into every posture and actions of GMA and its officials.

Until the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act857(2013)is amended and states otherwise.

we shall with the greatest force,resist any attempt by anybody (Regulator or Union that seeks to denigrate and deprive the Physician Assistant fraternity their right to practice medicine and dentistry in this country.

Mr. Appiah explained that, The attention of the leadership of the Ghana physician assistants Association (GPAA) has been
drawn to a very divisive and unfortunate statement by the president of Ghana Medical Association(GMA),Dr Frank Serebour at their just ended 64th annual general conference (AGC)
held at Bolgatanga in the Upper East region on the theme“addressing the doctor distribution Dilemma:The case of Ghana and it’s underserved areas”.it was very surprising for a whole president of the Association such as GMA to descend so low into the gutters and described other healthcare cadres in the healthcare delivery machinery
as disappointed chameleon.

This goes to demonstrate that some actors and Lane the
healthcare delivery chain are full of ego, and must be put on record that health service is a
teamwork and a form of collaboration where actors are inherent on each other in the quest to deliver the highest standard of care primal health outcomes of their client.
According the outgoing President of Ghana Physician Assistants Association, its not about only doctors, is reminding the President of GMA to also note that no middle cadre in them has provoked medical doctors.

He said the GPAA will be stunned if the aforementioned declare bythe President Serebour and few of
his embittered cohorts,is the stance of GMA because some few months ago,the two Unions agreed in principle to collaborate on things of common interest to usuals which was buttressed by the ended AGC shelf by the two associations.

He stressed that, it is therefore very bad and dangerous to him as leaders in the health professionals act in such a way at this age to call on other health cadres to marshal the Iengths in condemning his statement in order to sustain the peace in the Ghanaian Health System and our labour front as well.
He was of the view that, to ensure a sustained harmonious labour front collaboration among health unions and their professional, a culminating in enhanced conditions of service and good salaries for our members;
seeks to denigrate and deprivethe physicianAssistants fraternity the right to practice medicine and dentistry in the country.

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