
How To Get Rid Of Wall Gecko



Wall geckos, while harmless, can sometimes be unwelcome guests in our homes. If you’re looking for humane and effective ways to remove them without harming them, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods how to get rid of wall gecko.

Understand Wall Gecko Behavior
Before attempting to remove wall geckos, it’s essential to understand their behavior. Wall geckos are nocturnal creatures that feed on insects like mosquitoes and flies.
They are attracted to light sources and warm temperatures, which is why they often find their way into homes.
Seal Entry Points
Conduct a thorough inspection of your home to identify any cracks, gaps, or openings where geckos may be entering.
Seal these entry points using caulk, weatherstripping, or mesh screens to prevent geckos from gaining access to your home in the future.
Remove Attractants
Reduce the presence of insects in your home by keeping food tightly sealed, cleaning up crumbs and spills promptly, and using insect screens on windows and doors.
Turn off unnecessary lights at night to minimize attracting insects, which, in turn, will reduce the presence of geckos.
Non-Lethal Removal Methods
If you spot a gecko indoors, gently encourage it to leave by creating an exit route. Open doors or windows and turn off lights in the room to guide the gecko towards the exit.
Use a soft broom or cardboard to gently coax the gecko towards an open door or window. Avoid touching the gecko with your hands to prevent stressing or harming it.
Alternatively, you can use a container to trap the gecko and release it outside. Place the container over the gecko, slide a piece of cardboard underneath, and carefully transport it outdoors.
Natural Repellents
Certain scents and substances are known to repel geckos. These include mothballs, garlic cloves, onion slices, and peppermint oil.
Place these natural repellents near entry points or areas where geckos are commonly spotted to deter them from entering your home.
Professional Assistance
If you’re unable to remove wall geckos on your own or if the infestation is severe, consider seeking professional assistance from pest control experts.
Professional pest control services can assess the situation, implement effective removal strategies, and provide long-term solutions to prevent future infestations.

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