Education General News

Huawei Technologies Ghana Ltd donates  computers to Bosomtwe Girls STEM Academy



Huawei Technologies Ghana S. A Ltd, a leading IT company in the country, last Saturday donated items to the Bosomtwe Girls STEM Academy at a special ceremony at Deduako in the Bosomtwe District of the Ashanti region.
The package which cost 30,000 US dollars was made up of 20 Huawei laptops, a projector and 50 Huawei branded dairies.
Making the presentation, the Director of Public Relations for Huawei Technologies Ghana S. A Ltd, Madam Jennie Zhou, said training the next generation of leaders especially girls was very crucial for the development of the world.
She said there was the need for all to contribute towards the training of the youth to take over the leadership of industry and the rest of the world and pledged her company’s readiness to continue supporting the teaching of science and technology in the country.
Madam Jennie Zhou said the fast-changing world calls for all to support the development of technology-based knowledge acquisition which held the key to the current development trend around the globe.
She announced that Huawei has trained over 50,000 Ghanaian youth in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the country with the view to expanding the use of technology in the everyday lives of people in the country.
The Minister for Education, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, receiving the donation on behalf of the school lauded Huawei Technologies for the support which would go a long way to promote the teaching and learning of ICT in the school.
He explained that the government was ready to partner with various development agencies to support the development of the education sector which held the key to the transformation of the nation’s economy.
The Minister who is also the Member of Parliament for Bosomtwe said the huge investment being made by the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government in the education sector was due to the importance he attached to education.
He was upbeat that the benefit the nation is receiving from the development of the education sector was unquantifiable since it would help transform the various facets of the economy.

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