
I’m happy not because I won, but the tolerance of my contender – Savelugu NPP PC hails Hon Somed Gunu



Hajia Fathahiya Abdul Aziz, a Presidential staffer and the newly elected NPP Parliamentary Candidate for the Savelugu Constituency says the tolerance of her close contender would help the party recapture the Savelugu seat from the opposition NDC come 7th December.

At the climax of polls in the Savelugu constituency, Hajia Fathahiya Abdul Aziz garnered a commanding lead of 532 votes as against 121 votes polled by Former Member of Parliament of the area, Abdul Samed Gunu.

Out of the total number of 661 delegates in the Constituency, 656 casted their ballot with 3 votes rejected.

“Am happy not because I was declared the winner, but am happy because after the declaration my brother Hon. Somed Gunu walked to me and congratulated myself and my team, that shows that he’ll be part of the 2024 campaign for us to recapture the Savelugu seat from the NDC”.

Addressing Journalists after giving Hon. Somed Gunu a showdown, Hajia Fatahiya expressed her willingness to lead a formidable party devoid of factionalism before, during and after the December general elections.

“Am going to be working with all NPP people in the Constituency, from today moving forward we don’t have Hon. Somed Gunu team, we don’t have Hajia Fathahiya team, please lets come together, lets unit and capture power from the NDC”.

Hajia Fathahiya thanked the rank and file of the party in the Savelugu Constituency and those who travelled far and near to support her candidature.

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