
I’m poised to get Adum back to its cleanliness state-Ashanti Regional NADMO Director



If there is someone in Kumasi who is keen on getting Adum back to its cleanliness state, then it is believed you would not fail to mention the name of Mr.Frank Kwadwo Duodu, the Ashanti Regional Director of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO).

He has been supporting, both financially and technically, members of the AdumNkosuo Kuo for the past two years to clean the Adum community of filth-desilting of gutters, etc.

Barely two weeks ago, Mr. Doudu was caught with members of the AdumNkosuo Kuo desilting gutters to ensure the community was cleaned.

“Quite apart from my NADMO duties, this is what I do, it is my passion to uplift Adum’s status since it is the hub of business”,he quipped during an interaction with this portal.

He said improving proper environmental, sanitation and health within the community, should be the focus of all and sundry.

The AdumNkosuo Kuo, established in 2020, aims at initiating development projects, to promote the upliftlent of Adum being the central business district of the Kumasi metropolis.

It also aims to ensure proper security of the community and improve proper environmental, sanitation and health within the community.

According to the Chairman of the AdumNkosuo Kuo Henry Amoah, some of their objectives were to initiate development projects, ensure proper security of the community,develop education policy within the community and to help nerve the hidden talents of the youth.

The Chairman, also known as Achebe, was full of praise for the Regional NADMO director for his support to promote quality health in Adum by way of improving sanitation.

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