General News Information & Technology

Kumasi North Startup Pitch Summit



Womens Haven Africa in partnership with Ghana Tech Lab under the Pathways to Sustainable Employment Program is organised a Local Startup Summit on the theme: Mobile App Development for business and job creation in this era.

Womens Haven Africa over the period of 6 weeks have trained 8 young women in Mobile App Development where participants were exposed to Flutterverae,Mobile Mockups and designs, Development with Flutter and Dart,Creating beautiful UI with Flutter, Building apps with state, Structuring Flutter apps, Working with NODE JS and MONGO DB and Powering Flutter with Backend data, and crowned the training with a Local Startup Pitch Summit which was held on Friday, January 14, 2021 at Womens Haven Africa in Kumasi.

Participants of the Digital Media Program undergoing training at Womens Haven Africa
About Womens Haven Africa
Womens Haven Africais an innovative entrepreneurial female hub creating a friendly and productive environment for the growth and development of women-led businesses, projects, and initiatives. Womens Haven Africa provides business support services, connects innovative young women, startups, women-led organisations and women leaders with the business support, tools, and resources to thrive. Womens Haven Africa seeks to produce an empowered and influential community of female innovators who provide viable and sustainable solutions for various challenges faced in the world and is focused on increasing the participation of women in Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Technology.
About Ghana Tech Lab
Ghana Tech Lab is an open collaborative tech space for competent Digital skills training, seeding innovations and growing Startups established under the Ministry of Communicationse-Transform project with funding from the World Bank and a product of the Pathways to Sustainable Employment (PaSE) project.
Description of the Local Startup Summit
The Local Startup Summit (subsequently identified as Kumasi North Startup Summit) is an excellent opportunity for startups from the digital media training to be propelled to the next level, through constructive business development and investor-readiness feedback to engender possible funding from the community of local investors.
The Local Startup Summit is a day event which comes off after the six (6) weeks digital media training executed by Womens Haven Africa in collaboration with Ghana Tech Lab during which trainees form teams and are guided to prepare their respective pitch decks.
The teams will pitch their solutions to a panel of judges and to the community of local investors during the summit. The summit will consist of a list of 3 judges who will assess and score performances of teams during their pitch, a keynote speaker and a 3 member panel which consist of members from Womens Haven Africa Local Investor Network will be present at the event to hold discussions about Digital Media and its relevance for business and job creation in this era of pandemic.
The 1st and 2nd place startups of the Local Startup Summit will progress to the Incubation track of the Base Innovation Program while the rest of the trainees progress to the Employability track respectively.
Objectives of the Local Startup Summit
The Local Startup Summit has 4 objectives it aims to achieve which are to:
Promote and celebrate the startup culture within the local ecosystem and also to encourage entrepreneurship among the youth.
Create easy access to funding and business support for the early-stage startups.
Create a conducive platform for investors, innovators and entrepreneurs to converge at one place to share ideas, experiences and explore areas of mutual interest and collaboration for a thriving digital economy, and,
Enable startup founders to pitch their innovative ideas to local investors, business leaders and to the local community.
Registration for the Local Startup Summit is currently open to the general public. Kindly register to attend the summitto confirm your participation
Womens Haven Africa is committed to increasing the participation of young women in digital skills, reducing the gender gap in tech and raising female tech giants in Africa through its programs and initiatives.

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