This year, the future of Manhyia south is on mind. I’m thinking of our constituency because there’s is herculean task ahead of us come 2024 that’s winning both the presidential and parliamentary elections. Every member has a role to play in making this possible. Though is a great challenge with unity, courage and determination we can rise up to the occasion.
Will like to use this opportunity to thank AMONU GYAMFUA for her unflinching support to Manhyia south. She has made herself indispensable to Manhyia South. God bless her and replenish all that she has lost through serving the constituency.
I hope the New Year 2023 brings abundant joy, prosperity, love, and blessings. I hope the New Year 2023 brings abundant joy, prosperity, love, and blessings. The New year will be extraordinary and filled with happiness for you. I wish you and your family a wonderful new year!