General News Politics

Let John Mahama run unopposed for flagbearership – Volta NDC youth



The youth of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Volta Region want former President John Dramani Maham to run unopposed for the flagbearership race of the party ahead of the 2024 polls.

In a statement signed by the NDC’s Volta Regional Youth Organiser, Mathias Alagbo, the group argued that “given the mess created by this [NPP] government”, John Mahama “is the most experienced hand in Ghana today who has once led our country through difficult times and built solid economic foundations that everyone can attest to.”

The group believes that there “is no need for flagbearer elections, but instead the party should directly endorse the former president as flagbearer of the party for the 2024 presidential elections.”

It therefore called on “all relevant stakeholders in their party including the National Council of Elders to commence necessary engagements to achieve a JDM NDC 2024 Flagbearership role without contest”.

The statement highlighted that meagre resources should be reserved to support the rebuilding efforts to get a better fighting chance in the 2024 general elections.

“Resources instead should be channelled to strengthen our branches and prepare the party machinery for our victory 2024 project” the group stated.

They added that they would take responsibility to ensure John Dramani Mahama comes out victorious when their pleas are not heeded and elections are called.

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