
Mahama is best bet to turn Ghana’s economic fortunes-political activist


Mr Agbenya Precious a political activist and a member of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has urged the Ghanaian electorates to give the former President and Flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress the mandate and vote for him massively in the upcoming 2024 general elections.
According to him, Mahama is now the best bet to turn the economic fortunes of the country to the benefit of the electorates.
He stated that, the economy of Ghana under the incompetent Nana Addo-Bawumia family and friends led government has been already broken the financial spine of our country, and for that matter the need to give the former President who is tried and tested another opportunity to turn the ailing economy round.
Mr. Agbenya indicated that, it has become the norm of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government the consistent mismanagement and enriching themselves at the expense of the ordinary taxpayers monies.
He alleged that, the NPP government has allocated and signed contracts to individuals and the basis of winning any of these contracts was to pay ten percent of the contracts’ amount to the person who would give you such a contract.
He said, as if that was not enough, they have started awarding same contract to other individuals with the ten percent share which he said causing a serious financial burden on the already broken economy of the country and short contract works.
He disclosed that, the good people of Ghana are currently suffering because of such dubious acts, reason he said it is long overdue for the Ghanaian electorates to show the governing NPP the exit and vote massively against the shambolic and insensitive government of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the upcoming elections.

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