
Management Of Tafo Gov’t Hospital Demands Boxes of Gloves,Soaps From Rotational Nurses



Some nurses who are to commence their rotation/national service in July 2023 at the Tafo Government Hospital in the Tafo Municipality of Ashanti Region are agitated over decision by management of the hospital to demand three boxes of hospital gloves and soaps from them before they are allowed to serve their country.

According to the aggrieved nurses the decision of the management is uncalled for and unprecedented and therefore called on government to intervene.

Following the management’s decision some parents of the nurses besieged the premises of the hospital early Tuesday morning to question the management of the hospital about the reason behind its decision.

They have further threatened to resist any attempt by management of the hospital to pressurize their wards to provide the hospital with such medical equipments.

Meanwhile, efforts to reach management of the hospital has proven futile.

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