
Manso Nkwanta:100 Acres Of Galamsey Site Reclaimed, Kontihene lauds SSMA



Kontihene of Manso Nkwanta who doubles as the Chief for Abransie, Nana Darko Gyau III has commended members of Small Scale Miners Association- Amansie West Zone for reclaiming over 100 acres of mined site at Asarekrom and Nsianan.

The District Forestry Commission after the successful reclamation planted over 100 trees on the tract of land.

Speaking at the commissioning of 3
Community Mining Schemes at Moseaso-Abransie, Yawkrom and Banko-camp held on Wednesday 26th July 2023, he applauded the move, saying same should be carried out by miners in all parts of the country.

He made this call after siting that miners sometimes keep mined pits uncovered, lamenting that critics end up blaming Chiefs as though they were the ones who caused the menace.

Furthering his admonishing, he said aside complying with all mining regulations, they (small scale miners) should also offer communities within which they conduct their activities the developmental support they deserve and be faithful in the payment of taxes and levies.

He underlined in his address, that the Community Mining Schemes if well carried out will shoot up revenue for the district for the needed developmental projects.

As a way of achieving the foregoing, he charged the assembly to set in motion effective monitoring, aimed at ensuring that miners comply with all mining regulations.

Present at the commissioning were the District Chief Executive for Amansie West Hon Nii Larteh Ollenu, the Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources Hon Mireku Duker, members of the District Mining Committee, officers from the District Minerals Commission.

Source: Ayisah Foster|

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