General News Politics

Martin Amidu’s Resignation Long Overdue: He Deserved Sacking


The eresignation of Martin Amidu is a good omen for Ghanaians. Martin Amidu woefully failed to live up to expectation, always fighting people under investigation in the media through writing of long epistles. He was more committed to the writing of long epistles for media consumption than focusing on his job description as the Special Prosecutor.

The ‘saint’ Martin Amidu failed to work with Super Saint Prof. Atta Mills. Prof. Mills had no option than to sack the arrogant and disrespectful Martin Amidu. It therefore comes as no surprise to us when J. J. Rawlings NEVER promoted him as the substantive Attorney General in his Government perhaps due to his lack of professional ethics, and his amateur characteristics. Martin Amidu first served as the Deputy Attorney-General in the last four years of Provisional National Defense Council(PNDC) and again served as a Deputy Attorney-General in the NDC Government for 8years without a promotion as substantive under J. J. Rawlings.

In 2000, Prof. Mills selected him as his Running Mate for the general elections but Prof. Mills dropped Martin Amidu ahead of the 2004 general elections due to the arrogant and disrespectful nature of Martin Amidu.

Some people are good at playing supporting roles than being the leader. The character type of Martin Amidu does not deserve the Special Prosecutor position .

Prof. Mills sacked Martin Amidu, members of NDC rediculed him and reduced him to nothing. However, through the writing of long epistles he became the favorite of the media. President Akufo-Addo gave him the opportunity to serve as a Special Prosecutor and frankly speaking Martin Amidu was the biggest disaster. He failed to live up to expectation. He could not translate theoretical long epistles into practice.

The Office of Special Prosecutor is not all about Martin Amidu. It is team work, but Martin Amidu reduced the whole office to himself, refusing to work in harmony with the staff of the Office of Special Prosecutor.

Martin Amidu said he cannot interrogate and investigate John Mahama over Airbus Scandal because he is a Presidential Candidate but he Martin Amidu can resign in an election year? Martin Amidu is a coward and attention seeker.

The resignation of Martin Amidu shall have no consequence for the Victory of President Akufo-Addo and the New Patriotic Party(NPP).

For the avoidance of doubt, Martin Amidu has resigned to prepare himself to contest the Presidential ticket of NDC in 2022 ahead of the 2024 general election so in order to look good in the eyes of the delegates of NDC he decided to resign three weeks to the 2020 general elections with the sole aim of hurting the chances of President Akufo-Addo and NPP.

Martin Amidu should understand that 70-80% of Ghanaians were hugely disappointed in him for his gross incompetence as the Special Prosecutor.

Martin Amidu’s resignation just like the death of Rawlings would have absolutely NO effect on the Victory of NPP and President Akufo-Addo.

We can’t get everything right but certainly the achievements of Akufo-Addo’s Government shall silence the nonsense resignation of unprofessional Martin Amidu.

If Martin could not work with Prof. Mills and Nana Akufo-Addo then that man should examine himself well and correct his wrong attitudes and actions.

Razak Kojo Opoku
(CVM Founder and President)

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