General News Politics

NDC Council Of Elders Condemn Incidents Of Violence At The Youth, Women Wings Conference

The NDC Council Of Elders have today condemned  in no uncertain terms incidents of violence that occurred during the just ended conference of the Youth and Women’s Wings of the party held in Cape Coast, last Saturday, December , 2022.
In a statement copied to today signed by  Alhaji Mahama Iddrisu, Chairman Of Council Of Elders,it stated that it was the view of the Council Of Elders that acts of Indiscipline and violence at Party functions can only bring the party into disrepute and could damage the hard won reputation of the Party.
In this regard, the Council has called for a full report on the incidents and any member(s), whether elected or not, found culpable in die breach of the rules prescribed by the Congress Planning Committee of complicit in any of the incidence will face serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Party’s code of discipline.
“While fully  supporting measures announced by the Congress Planning Committee to avoid recurrence of events of last week and to ensure an outcome of the pending Congress, urges strict observance of the rules announced by Congress Planning Committee.
The Congress Planning Committee should have no hesitation in removing any person(s) whose behavior is not conducive to the conduct of the Congress.”He added.
The Council also expressed disquiet at the level to which the campaign has sank and repeats its earlier advice to all contestants to ensure strict adherence the guidelines drawn up by the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Party .
The Council  reminded  all contestants that acting contrary to laid down rules and regulations will carry severe sanctions,including disqualification of candidate  or any contestant.
The statement continued that all contestants are reminded that the party stands supreme and this will not be sacrificed for the personal interest of any contestant, delegate or party member.
“Ghana is today in a state of near collapse because of the corruption, recklessness, impunity, failure of the current government and failure to hold wrong doers accountable and uphold national interest.
There is no way out of our current predicament, if as a political party the NDC is not able or willing to impose higher standards of discipline and accountability on its members.
It is time to reaffirm by word and deed our commitment to probity, accountability, discipline and participatory democracy for all Ghanaians.”It concluded.
Source:The Punch Newspaper/Ayisah Foster

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