General News Politics

NDC urges calm on consensus recommendation of Ken Ofori-Atta


‘It is hereby announced to the rank and file of the party and to the notice of all Comrades, that a
decision by the Appointments Committee to recommend Ken Ofori Atta for the approval by
consensus will be made public today in Parliament.
Following what transpired previously in respect of vetting and approval of some Ministers
designate the Minority leadership, the Party leadership as well as the Council of Elders have
engaged in extensive consultations with the view to adopt a common position based on the
exigencies of the situation.
I therefore urge all members to remain circumspect when the need for reaction arise. The NDC
Parliamentary Caucus and FEC will be fully briefed accordingly.
Issued in Accra on Monday, 29th March, 2021
Hon Johnson Asiedu Nketiah

General Secretary,NDC

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