
NDC youth organizer roots for Julius Debrah as perfect match with Mahama to win 2024 elections



Osman Abdullah Nabali, the Ashanti Regional youth organizer for the largest opposition political party, National Democratic Congress (NDC) has declared his support for the call on the former President to choose Mr. Julius Debrah as running mate come 2024 general elections.

Speaking at orientation and capacity building workshop for branch youth organizers for the Sekyere Afram Plains constituency of the NDC under the auspices of the Ashanti regional youth wing, he stated that, the call from a section of some party supporters on the former President to choose the former Chief of staff in the erstwhile NDC government as the best bet to partner him into the 2024 general elections to recapture power is in the right direction.

According to him, as the regional youth organizer of the NDC, he will fully throw his weight behind the numerous supporters across the length and breadth of the country within the party to plead with the flagbearer of the party to choose the former Chief of Staff for the good course ahead of the party.

He was of the view that, the personality of the former Chief of Staff being approachable and easily accessible to the youth of the party would help consolidate votes to ensure that the party wins the 2024 elections convincingly.

He stated that, considering the party’s history since 1996, anytime a flagbearer of the party retain a running mate from one regime to a different regime the elections does not go well with the party, hence the need for the former President to choose a different and winnable running mate like Julius Debrah who could ensure that the winning of the upcoming general election becomes a mere formality.

The Ashanti regional youth organizer reiterated that, the former Chief of Staff has worked with the flagbearer before as a minister and chief of staff and has demonstrated that, he always stands for the youth with his approachable personality and for that matter, the need to have him partner the former President to win the general elections convincingly for the party.

Source: Ayisah Foster

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