General News Sanitation

NHIA Communications Officer Donates PPEs To Afigya Sekyere East Constituency


Barima Sarpong ,the Communication and Media Relations Manager of the NHIA who aspired to be member of parliament for Afigya Sekyere East constituency but had to step down due to the decisions of leadership of NPP ,has donated PPE to Constituency in the Ashanti region.

Items donated included veronica bucket, handsentizer nose mask and tissues to hospitals, health centers and lorry stations within afiagya sekyere east constituency as part of his contributions to combating the deadly covid 19.

Receiving the items on behalf of the health center, Mrs vida Nkanzah, physician assistance in charge of Jamasi health center, commended Barima Sarpong’s gesture and urged all nurses and patience to obey the precautionary measures to limit the rate of transmission. She took the opportunity call on all others who have wherewithal to also offer help to the district.
Story by Koola city

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