Business General News

NLA salutes staff, stakeholders on May -day


The National Lottery Authority(NLA) would like to wish all Staff and stakeholders a happy Workers’ Day for their continuous contributions to the growth and sustainability of the Authority.

The Authority really appreciates the efforts and sacrifices of our Staff, Lotto Marketing Companies and Partner Companies especially during this period of Coronavirus pandemic.

The Board and Management would do everything possible to ensure the improvement of the Welfare of our Staff as well as create the enabling environment for Staff, Lotto Marketing and Partner Companies.

We are urging the Public to continue to support the Authority by patronizing all our Products.

The Authority now has an enhanced Prize Structure of 240 instead of the previous 213.

However, let us continue to observe good hygienic practices including Social distancing so that collectively and individually we would be able to defeat the Coronavirus pandemic.

Stay Safe;Wear Mask;Stay Alive.

Issued by: Public Relations Unit of NLA

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