
On President Akufo-Addo’s Response To Agyapade3 :Mensah Thompson of ASEPA writes



Folks I’m sure by now you have all seen the Agyapade3 document making rounds on social media.
The Agyapade3 document is actually Part 3 of the Akyem Cabals’ grand scheme to capture Ghana for their families, cronies and allies, infact the Part one and part two of the document was titled “THE WAY FORWARD” and it started circulating way back in 2016 but no one placed any significance on it. It spoke about the collapse of Paa Kwesi Ndoum and Dr.Duffuor’s bank and capturing the entire financial sector for Ken Ofori-Atta’s Databank. On a careful read it seemed too crude to be true that a group of people could be such evil-headed until we saw it’s carefully planned out execution under President Akufo-Addo’s first term in office from 2017-2020.

I remember clearly in 2018, I chanced on this Agyapade3 document which is currently circulating as a Part three of “THE WAY FORWARD”
I decided to blow it up on some platforms and yet again no one seemed to pay attention to it, infact our mainstream media would have none of it and so It’s really such a pleasant surprise that finally, the people of Ghana, after carefully reading the content of the book and matching it with events of the last seven years have started asking questions, however belated!!

Folks if the masterminds of the Agyapade3 document like “prime-minister” thinks that a simple uninspiring tweet on social media is all it takes to erase the authenticity of this document then he lie bad.
If the Okyehene thinks that a sneezy crocodile tears is all that is required to sway citizens mind away from the veracity of this audacious vivid grand scheme then he should come again.
And finally if President Akufo-Addo himself believes that all it takes is a tabulation of some sleezy allegations leveled against him in the past is all what is needed as a head of State against whom this carefully woven 39 pages Agyapade3 conspiracy has been made, then he should to come again.

The people of this Country deserves better explanation than that. He owes us Citizens an utmost duty to account to us first by telling us, why all the letter and the spirit of the Agyapade3 document which he is ferociously denying have been carefully featured in his government without a single deviation since 2017, with every bit of the Agyapade3 plan executed to the latter.
Needless lamentations won’t cut it!

We deserve better explanation!!

Mensah Thompson
Executive Director, ASEPA

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