
Oyerepa Fm’s Autie Naa Attacked By Queen mother , followers



Queen mother of Wassa Mampong in the Western Region has stormed Oyerepa FM in Kumasi to attack Auntie Naa,host of Oyerepa Afutuo, over allegations made against her by a victim of defilement.

Son of the Queen mother is now serving 8 years in prison for defiling a 6-year-old.

Mother of the victim came on Oyerepa Fm to complain to Auntie Naa that the queen mother is punishing her for causing the arrest and imprisonment of her son who defiled her daughter some months ago.

She says the Queen mother has ostracized her and asked people in the town not to buy or sell you the victim’s mother.

The queen mother on hearing the allegation on Oyerepa Fm stormed the studios to refute the allegations.

She was accompanied by people from the town to create a scene at Oyerepa Fm.

When she was given the chance to speak in the studios, she said she’s never given any order in the town to ask people to stop buying from the woman.

The denial triggered Auntie Naa to drag the Queen mother.

Apparently when the defilement case reached the doorsteps of Oyerepa Fm, she called the Queen mother but she didn’t bother to act on it.

It took Auntie Naa to force the Unit Committee chairman to arrest Queen the mother’s son and send him to the police station.

When he was arraigned before court, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.


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