General News Politics

Re:Vote out that one strange person roaming in Parliament as MP



I woke up and smell an unpleasant and nauseating comments from one Kalahari bitters MP, Isaac Adongo of Bolgatanga Central NDC.

Having excessive pride and parading himself as an economic guru in NDC who was recently sidelined by NDC’s Asiedu Nketiah for Ato Forson as the new minority leader. He made this comment, quoted “Vote out that strange person roaming in parliament as MP” on Dreamzfm morning show, Sunday, 19th February, 2023.

We the Constituents of Binduri will not shield the derogatory comments of such personality describing our MP as ‘strange person roaming’

The core mandates of an MP is to serve as a link between the constituents and the central government, make laws and lobby for developmental projects to his/her Constituency. To us as Constituents of Binduri, Hon. Abdulai Abanga is the hero among the Upper East caucus in this 8th Parliament.

We want to emphatically state that, Hon. Abdulai Abanga been in office for less than 4 years has empowered most people and initiated several developmental projects in Binduri than he (Isaac Adongo) been in office as MP for more than 6 years.

Hon. Abdulai Abanga replaced the long standing failed, divisive and inept leadership of the previous NDC MPs in the Constituency. Hon. Abanga’s ‘BINDURI MUST DEVELOP’ is an agenda that charts new path which exudes hope, stimulates confidence, and produces life changing dividends capable of ameliorating the suffering of the masses.

It is true and obvious that Isaac Adongo and the NDC exist to rob the good people of Bolgatanga Central to further their parochial interest. Indeed their expertise is and continue to milk our collective resources dry and leave his Constituents to wallow in abject penury. Bolgatanga Central Constituents should prepare and axe this non performing Adongo come December 2024.

Hon. Abanga’s track record is unparalleled and he is serving the good people of Binduri with honesty and dignity.

Below are some of the track records of the hardworking MP that Adongo claimed he is a strange person roaming in parliament.

• He purchased a borehole drilling RIGG and this machine has since drilled about 20 boreholes across the Constituency to solve the water problem.

• He presented 100 sewing machines to Ghana National Tellers and Dress-Makers Association (GNTDA), Binduri branch

• He presented 20 hair dryers with equipments such as washing sink with seat, hair straighteners, strillizers etc to Ghana Association of Beauticians and Hairdressers, Binduri branch

• He donated 25 water pumping machines and 2 irrigation chang fan machines to farmers across the Constituency.

• He donated 5 lorry tyres, 2 laptop computers, a monitor with system unit and a car battery to Binduri District GES.

• He again presented about 550 dual desks to Binduri District GES.

• He equipped Binduri Health Centres with 36 hospital beds, 20 mattresses with covers, 3 oxygen machines, 3 boxes of prickers, a box of airways, a box of bandages and about 20 wheelchairs.

• He constructed an ultra modern CHPS Compound at Sakpare

• He expanded the Manga Health Centre by constructing a modern maternity ward.

• Construction of an ultra modern Health Centre at Gumyoko which is 90% complete.

• 6 unit ultra modern classroom block with ancillary facilities constructed at Atuba Primary School.

• 6 unit ultra modern classroom block with ancillary facilities under construction at St. Peter’s Primary School, Binduri

• 3-unit ultra modern classroom block with ancillary facilities at Kpatarigu Primary School.

• 3-unit ultra modern classroom block with ancillary facilities at Tambiigu Primary School.

• Construction of an Astro Turf Park ongoing at Kpalugu.

• Several communities connected to the national grid; some of the communities are Bansi, Gumyoko, Yodelinga, Apurunzua etc. Work is ongoing in other communities such as Barabogo, Yarigungu, Azumsapeliga, Kuloku-Natinga, Kulok-Tengir and many more.

• Over 100 tertiary students received financial support from the ‘Abanga Education Fund’ last year (2022) and the least amount a student received was Ghc1,000.00

• Spot improvement of major roads with brigdes and culverts across the constituency. Some of them are;
10.0km Bazua-Zaago-Binduri road
7.5km Kukparigu-Gotesaliga road
2.5km Azumsapeliga-Sakpare road
2.0km Yodelinga-Azumsapeliga road
2.0km Avondago-Benguri road.

• He donated about 50 street lights and undisclosed amount of money to the Army Barracks in Bazua.

• Installation of street lights in major markets and other communities; Bazua market, Atuba market, Gumyoko, Bansi, Yodelinga, Apurunzua etc.

• He supported various Women’s Savings Groups across the Constituency with an amount of Ghc65,000.00. Each group receives not less than Ghc1,000.00

• Again, he presented 100 large size UMBRELLAS to market women in Bazua and Atuba markets respectively.

• 10-unit market stores each under construction at Binduri and 44 markets respectively.

• Hon. Abanga empowered numerous youth across the constituency. Some are now army/ navy/ immigration/ fire service/ police officers, others at Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority as mechanical technicians, Ghana River Authority as electrical engineers, local government officials and staff/ teachers at Ghana Education Service.

Above mentioned are few of Hon. Abanga’s achievements from January 202 till date.

I hereby call on Isaac Adongo to go back to Dreams fm and tell us what he did for the good people of Bolgatanga Central since he became their MP in 2017 till date and stop ranting because he was voted to serve but not to be served.

If he described his colleague MP as a strange person roaming in parliament and yet that person have a track record than he (Isaac Adongo) then he should be ashamed of himself. Whereas Hon. Abanga is busy serving his constituents, Isaac Adongo is also busy amassing wealth for himself.

In Hon. Cletus Avoka’s voice, this is not the time to turn a nonentity into a hero. So this is not the time to turn himself into a hero through the media houses. Never!

He (Isaac Adongo) will lose to Hon. Abdulai Abanga in any election they both contested. I’m throwing him a challenge to denounce as a Constituent of Bolgatanga Central then come to Binduri and contest with Hon. Abanga and see his smoothness level.

Fellow Upper Eastners, on that decision day of December 7th, 2024, you will have an option between candidates (NPP) who has and are continuing to perform better than NDC sitting, former MPs and PCs.

I hope piece reaches Isaac Adongo (Bolgatanga Central MP) in good faith.

Yours truly.

Jnr Amin Anta
Concern Citizen, Binduri

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