General News Politics

‘Some Journalists Are More NPP Than John Boadu’-GJA Chair 



The President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), Mr Roland Affail Monney has described the work of some journalists in the country as more political which shouldn’t be so.

According to him,he knows very well that as journalists,we  all vote and vote wisely as professionals but it is true that some journalists are more NPP than John Boadu, National Secretary to the ruling New Patriotic Party and others more NDC than Asiedu Nketia, National  Secretary to the opposition NDC but indicated that our  voting pattern should not be a predispositive factor to determine how we vote.
The president of the GJA made this known during a Media  training workshop on election reporting by  the GJA and the Electoral Commission on Thursday November,26th ,2020 in Kumasi,the Ashanti regional capital.
He advised that,sense of professionalism and sense of objectivity should be in their fullest growth as far as election 2020 is concerned.
” We want peace and the interest of this Nation lies with peace and the interest of Ghana is bigger than the political parties we have in the Country”.He indicated.
He added that, national interest is  the peace of this Nation and should be pre-eminent in whatever we do.
” We all have our interest but please subordinate all your interest to the supreme  national interest .”He further advised.
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