1,112 “Don’t accept poverty as something normal. Yesterday, I wept when I saw a humble man like Dr.Osei Kwame Despite,Chief Executive Officer of Despite Group of Companies, celebrating his 60th anniversary. I am told he is a millionaire with a lot of companies but he doesn’t boast of his wealth. Rarely would you see him […]
834 Citizen’s Movement Transparent And Accountable Governance (CIMTAG )notes with deep outrage, the barbaric and conscienceless brutalities visited on innocent Ghanaian citizens desirous of exercising their constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and demonstration as enshrined in the sovereign laws of Ghana. “We empathize with our affected compatriots and stand in solidarity with them […]
1,851 The Coalition of Civil Societies Against Political Vigilantism( CCSAPV) is a network of over 50 well meaning CSO’s coming together to execute an action plan against Political Vigilantism and all forms of Violence against persons playing active role in our democratic process. The Coalition has taken notice of a trending news item and public discussions […]