
STU begins implementation of 20% discount for female engineering students



The Vice-Chancellor of the Sunyani Technical University (STU), Ing. Prof. Kwadwo Adinkrah-Appiah has reiterated the University’s commitment towards the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in the country.

In his New Year Message, the Vice-Chancellor emphasised that Ghana stands to make tremendous inroads in the area of STEM as well as Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) if much efforts and resources are channeled into these areas.

The Vice-Chancellor announced the commencement of implementation of the proposed 20% discount on school fees for all female students who enrol in any of the engineering programmes of Sunyani Technical University as from January 2024.

At a Students’ Durbar held in February 2023 at STU’s main Auditorium, the Vice-Chancellor announced that the university would be offering 20% discount on school fees of all female engineering students, beginning from the next academic year.

He explained that the move formed part of an affirmative action adopted by management to encourage more females to pursue various engineering courses.

“As a technical university, STU usually struggles to get females to study engineering programmes and so the university has taken this affirmative action to give special desperation to prospective female engineering students, and it is expect that this will attract more females into the engineering field”, he stated.

True to his word, STU has begun implementing this policy with the view of attracting and encouraging more females to study programmes such as Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering, among others.

Ing. Prof. Adinkrah-Appiah emphasised in his New Year Message that STEM education increases innovative thinking, encourages curiosity, inspires creativity and ingenuity, fosters collaboration and communication, builds confidence and teaches acceptance of failure and prepares students for high-demand careers.

He also said in addition to providing individuals with the skills and training they need to succeed in their careers, STEM education and TVET can also play a vital role in supporting economic growth and development, adding that “one way in which TVET supports economic growth is by helping to address skills gaps in the job market.”

*Electric vehicles*
“STU’s quest to produce electric vehicles by 2030 is still on course. We have already signed MoUs with Solar Taxi Limited, Ghana and EVAFRICA (a joint initiative by Skill Shark edutech, India and Impact Lane consult, Ghana), Fanshawe College of Engineering, Canada as well as SUNY-PI, USA; and we are working around the clock to make this happen.

He said as part of its contributions toward Ghana’s industrialization agenda, STU has strategized to assemble and produce electric vehicles in its medium to long-term plans as students of the University’s Engineering Faculty are being trained on electric vehicles to equip them with the requisite knowledge and skills for the realization of the plan by 2030.

“The plan is to establish a Research and Innovation Centre for E-Vehicle and Industrial Welding Technologies with a well-equipped laboratory, to serve as a center of excellence in the manufacture of Electric Vehicles and their accessories.

The Centre is also expected to train students to acquire the needed skills and knowledge in the field of Electric Vehicle manufacturing and management in Ghana.”

He said climate change and emission concerns had brought the adoption of Electric vehicles to the forefront in recent times, and this has resulted in bold steps taken by governments of the biggest automotive markets in the world to embrace the technology.

“France and the United Kingdom (UK) are looking to ban the sale of gas and diesel-powered vehicles completely by 2040. Norway plans to ban all but electric car sales by 2025. China, the largest auto market in the world has publicly started charting a plan for an all-out ban on vehicles powered by internal combustion engines”, he further said.

Ing. Adinkrah-Appiah noted that it was time for Ghana and Africa as a whole, to follow suit and “make plans towards embracing electric vehicles to harness the enormous solar energy potential to meet our climate emission targets while simultaneously providing clean and affordable means of transport.”

He said this explains why the Sunyani Technical University “wants to take the lead role in the realization of this dream. Besides, the use of electric vehicles, it will boost electricity sales and drive demand high enough to meet or exceed the current supply, paving the way for a sustainable energy sector. It will also create an environment of low cost of powering our automobile industry to generate value for money for all.”
( *From the PR Office* )

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