
They’re so much potentials in NDC-Selma Yoda



Selma Yoda, President TEIN KNUST, has made it clear that there are so much potentials in National Democratic Congress as a political party.

According to her if a conscious efforts are made to unlock the potentials in NDC , the party won’t need an architect from anywhere to design anything for outrageous prices.

“Iam not here to talk about my achievements, but if at this level, I am organizing door to door campaigns to spread the gospel of John Mahama and the NDC, if at this level I saw the need to broaden my search which saw a rise in number of TEIN registrations, if at this level I saw the need to move people to Assin North during the by election.

Imagine what I can do for our beloved NDC if I am empowered and my full potentials are unlocked .”She said this in her speech today during TEIN Aluminum connect program held at the KNUST campus to re-energize members to match forward in the run-up to the 2024 general elections.

“I believe the theme of today’s program “Empowering TEIN; Unlocking Potentials, Building The Bridges Of Change” embodies the essence of what we aspire for, as agents of progress, innovation, and transformation.

By natural order we are the future of our beloved party the NDC.

If we are connected to the people running the various offices and party machinery, we get to learn from them and build ourselves for our Tomorrow. If we “TEIN” are empowered, we will grow in our political lives looking at situations differently. If we are empowered, we will criticize differently. And after we have criticized we will offer solutions. Just as we have seen His Excellency do.

Just as we have seen the minority leader Hon Ato Forson do. Just as we have seen lawyer Sammy Gyamfi do. Just as we have seen the NDC do. We the NDC have been giving out a lot of Free Education.

It is necessary to know how to criticize because if the fundamentals of your criticism are weak. Your performance in government will expose you.”She further indicated.,”She added.

She however extended her deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed to making the program a reality especially the planning committee, the national youth wing and my executives.

“The dedication, hard work, and tireless efforts of the organizers, mentors, and participants have set the stage for a remarkable journey of growth and empowerment.

As we embark on this program together, let us remember that our collective strength lies in cultivating an environment of collaboration, support, and understanding.

By embracing the spirit of unity, we can build bridges that bridge the gaps of knowledge, break down the barriers of prejudice, and usher in a new era marked by profound change.”She concluded.

Source: Broadcastergh.com|Ayisah Foster


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