Business General News

UTV’s Isaac Agyeman Recognized By Central Regional Directorate Of  Ghana Tourism Authority 



The Central Regional Directorate of the Ghana Tourism Authority has acknowledged the services of the Central Regional Correspondent for United Television (UTV), Isaac Agyemang.

Isaac Agyeman, who has for the past years filed a lot but great stories to UTV is not only known by few but many, including NGOs, traditional rulers, political parties, churches, the Islamic communities and many others.
In a letter sighted by signed by Mr. Kwame Gyasi, the Central Regional Director of the Authority dated on the 12th January, 2023, write, “The Central Region Office of the Ghana Tourism Authority acknowledges the greater service you have provided to the Authority over the years, especially giving coverage to most tourism related activities in the region”.
The letter again continues to say “Worth mentioning is the coverage on the enforcement exercise which was carried out by the Authority in the Awutu Senya East Municipality which recorded the highest number of illegal units regularizing their operations.
We are most grateful for your selfless service and look forward to working with you again in the future”, it added.
To add to the this, United Television (UTV) which is owned by Dr. Osei Kwame Despite with Dr. Ernest Ofori Sarpong, managed by Father Dickson and others key players, make sure a staff’s welfare is well protected and this has made Mr. Isaac Agyeman worked selflessly without taking a token (soli), during his coverage of any activities in the region.

As the adage goes; “The end justifies the means”, clearly proven to the point.
This service of Mr. Agyeman has brought glory to not only the Central Regional Association of the press and the Despite Media but the entire media fraternity.

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