General News Sports

#WalkInMyShoe is The Digital Campaign for Accra 2023 African Para Games – Samson Deen



At the IPC GA & Extraordinary General Assembly held in Berlin in 2022, The President of the African Paralympic Committee announced to the General Assembly that the regional body had endorsed #WalkInMyShoe as a digital campaign during a panel discussion and presentation about the ”importance of mentorship coming from within the region versus outside. Are both types important?
The initiative aims to challenge role models in government, the corporate world, development organizations, and celebrities to experience and participate in Para sports events with Para Athletes to break the stigma attached to Para sports in African countries.

This Game Changer initiative tends to demystify the stigma against Para sports, attract significant investment, increase the para-athlete population, and be the starting point for African athlete development programs.

The walk in my shoe concept targets increasing and enhancing awareness and use as a powerful tool to promote inclusion further and attract people in authority and positions of influence to invest in Para Sports development.

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